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Te amo,

te amo de una manera inexplicable,

de una forma inconfesable,

de un modo contradictorio.

I love you,

I love you in an inexplicable way,

in an unspeakable way,

in a contradictory way.

Te amo

con mis estados de ánimo que son muchos,

y cambian de humor continuamente.

por lo que ya sabes,

el tiempo, la vida, la muerte.

I love you

with my moods that are many,

and they change their mood continuously.

by what you already know,

time, life, death.

Te amo…

con el mundo que no entiendo,

con la gente que no comprende,

con la ambivalencia de mi alma,

con la incoherencia de mis actos,

con la fatalidad del destino,

con la conspiración del deseo,

con la ambigüedad de los hechos.

I love you...

with the world that I do not understand,

with the people who do not understand,

with the ambivalence of my soul,

with the incoherence of my actions,

with the fatality of destiny,

with the conspiracy of desire,

with the ambiguity of the facts.

Aún cuando te digo que no te amo, te amo,

hasta cuando te engaño, no te engaño,

en el fondo, llevo a cabo un plan,

para amarte mejor.

Even when I tell you that I do not love you, I love you,

even when I cheat on you, I do not cheat on you,

in the end, I carry out a plan,

to love you best.

Te amo…

sin reflexionar, inconscientemente,

irresponsablemente, espontáneamente,

involuntariamente, por instinto,

por impulso, irracionalmente.

I love you...

without reflecting, unconsciously,

irresponsibly, spontaneously,

involuntarily, instinctively,

by impulse, irrationally.

En efecto no tengo argumentos lógicos,

ni siquiera improvisados

para fundamentar este amor que siento por ti,

que surgió misteriosamente de la nada,

que no ha resuelto mágicamente nada,

y que milagrosamente, de a poco, con poco y nada

ha mejorado lo peor de mí.

I indeed do not have logical arguments,

not even improvised

to substantiate this love that I feel for you,

that emerged mysteriously out of nothing,

that has not magically resolved anything,

and that miraculously, little by little, with little and nothing

It has improved the worst of me.

Te amo,

te amo con un cuerpo que no piensa,

con un corazón que no razona,

con una cabeza que no coordina.

I love you,

I love you with a body that does not think,

with a heart that does not reason,

with a head that does not coordinate.

Te amo


sin preguntarme por qué te amo,

sin importarme por qué te amo,

sin cuestionarme por qué te amo.

I love you


without asking myself why I love you,

without caring why I love you,

without wondering why I love you.

Te amo

sencillamente porque te amo,

yo mismo no sé por qué te amo.

I love you

simply because i love you

I myself do not know why I love you.


I love you

like dipping bread into salt and eating

Like waking up at night with high fever

and drinking water, with the tap in my mouth

Like unwrapping the heavy box from the postman

with no clue what it is

fluttering, happy, doubtful

I love you

like flying over the sea in a plane for the first time

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